
gadgets [fromVox]

I have had a backahe since I was a software developer. It's a kind of occupational diseases.

When I started to work as a freelance translator, I had used a cheap desk and a cheap chair. I jsut started to be a translator, so I didn't have enough money to buy expensive things. But it's bad for my backache to sit in the cheap chair for a long time. I'd suffered from backache everyday. Then I bought a chair.

It's called "Sensor Chair."

It was a little expensive, but since I started to use it, I got able to sit in the chair for a long time. It's comfortable to sit in. I thought I could say Good-bye to my backache.




Sometimes my wrist hurts especially when I have to type many words. It's carpal-tunnel syndrome. It's also a kind of occupational diseases. One day I told about it to my translation agent, and he sent these things.


The left one is "SMART GLOVE" that is a wrist support to help prevent and relieve wrist pain. The right one is "DELUXE Wrist Brace" that is similar with the left one, but the right one is firmer than the left one. I prefer the right one. I could relieve my wrist pain.





Additionally, I regularly take supplements containing B-complex vitamins.


Its tastes bad though. 






But I strained my back last week.


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Strained back! [fromVox]

I've strained my back! It's killing me!!(T.T)

It's painful and I couldn't sleep well last night, and it took a long time to get up this morning. I can't drive a car or walk for a long time. My mother is helping me. She brought me meals and walked my dog today. This week is "Golden Week", a holiday in Japan. Hospitals are closed. I can't go to see a doctor or even go to the drugstore to buy any compresses. My husband is so busy at work that he can't help me. However, I have some projects to translate documents. I have to work! I can manage to sit on the chair and stay at the computer and then I can work. However, it's really hard for me. Give me a break!

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Trigger to become a translator [fromVox]

I started to study English conversation when I was an office worker (a computer software developer), and it triggered my interest in English. At that time, I was not interested in translation at all. I just thought English skills could help my job somehow, so I started to read some books in the original (English) and translated (Japanese) versions and compared them. Then I realized how English expression is translated into Japanese, and I doubted if some English nuances weren't translated correctly. That's how I first became interested in translation.

While I was on medical leave from my job, I started to think about translation as my job. I wondered what I really wanted to do, whether my job (development of computer software) suited me or not and whether I was interested in computers at all. In addition, I was interested in translation, and then I took a correspondence course, "Computer course for business translation." I put myself to the test about what I thought and felt when I reviewed computer-related knowledge that I already knew naturally and at the same time I tried to translate some documentation.

And completing the correspondence course, I decided to quit my former job and become a freelance translator.

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翻訳者になるまで [fromVox]


  • きっかけ




  • 最初の1年



  • やりがい



  • 心がけていること







  • 今後

学校が外語学部だったわけでもなく留学経験や英語圏に住んだ経験もない私は当然、他の翻訳者さんたちに比べれば英語力はかなり乏しい。コンピュータの知識も今はまだ会社員時代の知識が残っていますが、コンピュータの世界は日進月歩。新しいことを勉強し続けなければどんどん古ぼけていきます。 IT分野で実務翻訳を続け、もっと向上していくためにはもっと努力が必要だと思います。


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Self-introduction [fromVox]

Hello! My name is Momo.

I work at home as a translator. My specialty is computer software. I usually translate English documents into Japanese, but recently I started to challenge myself by translating Japanese into English.

I'm not good at English conversation, though I'm a translator. I'd like to write my diary in English for studying English. I'd like to write about my job and other things that I think and feel about the English and Japanese languages, too.

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自己紹介 [fromVox]





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